Questions d'entretien pour Staff Assistant

32 k

question(s) d'entretien pour Staff Assistant partagée(s) par les candidats

Principales questions d'entretien

Trier: Pertinence|Populaires|Date
On a demandé à un Staff Designer...19 avril 2024

Why do you want to work at Miro? What project are you most proud of? What experience do you have relevant for this role? None of the questions fully felt like they were geared towards understanding your skills, more checking boxes and saying the right key words.

Fasta Pasta

Do you have any experience?


Given a telephone keypad, how many different combinations of letters can be made?

Clipboard Health

Complete a case study on Lyft and profit maximization

Gozzer Ranch Golf & Lake Club

What are your personal strengths?

Similar to a software development assignment with a bit of leetcode-style problems baked in.


They primarily focused on SaaS questions and asked for examples of how I applied such metrics in my previous experience.

Tempus Ex

Design a distributed system for a large read-only dataset.


What type of tools are you specialized in?

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administrative assistant

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