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Questions d'entretien chez Definity

Mis à jour le 21 mars 2024

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Résultat : 87 entretiens sur plus de 87

Entretiens chez Definity

Obtenir un entretien
Candidature en ligne59%
Recrutement à l'université14%


Candidat à l'entretien anonyme

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Entretien moyen

J'ai passé un entretien chez Definity


It started with phone. Pre screen with hr. then phone interviews with managers and lawyers. Standard questions. Not challenging. Long process lots of waiting at the end. Just doesn't feel too complicated

Questions d'entretien
  • How do your prioritize tasks
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Employé anonyme, Waterloo, ON

Offre acceptée
Expérience positive
Entretien facile

J'ai postulé via un établissement d'enseignement supérieur ou universitaire. Le processus a pris 2 semaines. J'ai passé un entretien chez Definity (Waterloo, ON)


Some light technical questions related to testing (black box, white box, functional, etc...) and some a few questions on the projects I've listed on my portfolio. Overall interviewer was chill.

Questions d'entretien
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Employé anonyme, Montréal, QC

Offre acceptée
Expérience positive
Entretien moyen

J'ai postulé via la recommandation d'un employé. Le processus a pris 4 semaines. J'ai passé un entretien chez Definity (Montréal, QC) en janv. 2024


The interview process was excellent. A 45 minutes interview which was not too short and not too long. Interviewers were well prepared, professional and I was comfortable going through questions.

Questions d'entretien
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Candidat à l'entretien anonyme

Aucune offre
Expérience neutre
Entretien moyen

J'ai passé un entretien chez Definity


I applied through Indeed and received HR interviews after two weeks. It took another week to get an interview with the hiring manager. However, after two months, the position is still available.

Questions d'entretien
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Candidat anonyme à un entretien, Toronto, ON

Aucune offre
Expérience positive
Entretien facile

J'ai passé un entretien chez Definity (Toronto, ON)


Applied on company website. Shortlisted for remote interview. Got behavioural interview questions. Many situation based questions. Interview was light hearted. Few technical questions based on the profile. SQL, git questions as well.

Questions d'entretien
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Employé anonyme, Kitchener, ON

Offre acceptée
Expérience positive
Entretien difficile

J'ai postulé en ligne. Le processus a pris 2 mois. J'ai passé un entretien chez Definity (Kitchener, ON) en oct. 2023


There were two rounds where in one was a telephonic round with HR and another one was a 1 hour in person BDI. The process took almost 3-2-3 weeks to get a result on this and took another 2 week for pre onboarding process.

Questions d'entretien
  • What were the positive and negative feedback about you and your performance from your previous manager? How did you handle a upset customer via call? What are the challenges you will be facing in this company?
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Employé anonyme, Toronto, ON

Offre acceptée
Expérience positive
Entretien moyen

J'ai postulé en ligne. Le processus a pris 2 mois. J'ai passé un entretien chez Definity (Toronto, ON) en oct. 2023


I had one hr interview and two technical interviews. It took a bit less than two months from the first hr interview until receiving the job offer. All interviewees were very nice and friendly. The first technical interview had both behavioral and technical questions while the 2nd interview had only technical questions using mini business cases and mircoeconomic modeling. Over all it was a great experience.

Questions d'entretien
  • 1. Tell me about yourself? 2. Why this role? 3. Why this company? 4. Why this industry? 5. What others think would be your strength? 6. Teamwork vs independent? 7. What do you do to make sure your model work well in production/practice? 8. What is your long term goal?
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Employé anonyme, Toronto, ON

Offre acceptée
Expérience positive
Entretien facile

J'ai postulé via un établissement d'enseignement supérieur ou universitaire. J'ai passé un entretien chez Definity (Toronto, ON)


It was mostly behavioural. They asked about previous experience and proficiency in MS suite. Overall, it was a great experience. Just be yourself and definitely have an elevator pitch about urself ready.

Questions d'entretien
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Employé anonyme

Offre acceptée
Expérience positive
Entretien facile

J'ai passé un entretien chez Definity


The interview was divided into three steps: 1 screening round of about 15-20 mins 1 technical + behavioral round of 1 hour 1 case study Screening round: This was basically to understand my background, qualifications, and career aspirations. Technical + Behavioral Round: I know an hour long round sounds scary, but the good thing was that it gave me enough time to calm down, show the way I think, and not miss out on important aspects. I was in a panel interview. They asked situation-based questions. After the interview, they asked about my availability and expectations from the company.

Questions d'entretien
  • Tell me about yourself Why Definity? Why a P&C insurance company? Why this role? Strengths and weaknesses. Which tools do you prefer? How proficient are you in using those tools? Successful project. etc.
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Candidat anonyme à un entretien, Toronto, ON

Aucune offre
Expérience neutre
Entretien moyen

J'ai postulé en ligne. Le processus a pris 3 semaines. J'ai passé un entretien chez Definity (Toronto, ON) en avr. 2023


phone interview with team manager no pre screening phone interview with HR the interviewer asked expected salary what usually HR asks did not feel very organized general interview questions, was not bad mostly behavior questions (situation, action taken..)

Questions d'entretien
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1 - 10 sur 87 Entretiens

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Photos chez Definity

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Photo Definity de : Bright, collaborative office spaces
Photo Definity de : Definity's head office in Waterloo, ON
Photo Definity de : Claims team
Photo Definity de : Employee Appreciation Week treats
Photo Definity de : Petline Equity Day
Photo Definity de : Petline holiday donations
Photo Definity de : Plaid day!
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